Biden / Harris / Casey Economy

Why we need Dave McCormick in the Senate and Trump for president “A democracy can only exist until voters discover they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, followed by an increasingly authoritarian government.”

Most democrats run on the Santa Claus ticket. They promise everything for everybody. Problem is we are BROKE with a massive debt – but irresponsible democrats keep spending away.


Employment: The truth on job creation. Biden has made numerous claims of job creation – 11 million or 14 million. These numbers are fraudulent. Biden and Democrats only created 5.6 million jobs. Stats are from BLS: Table B-1.In Jan 2017, when Trump became president, there were 145,636,000 Americans employed. In Feb 2020, when covid hit, there were 152,309,000 Americans employed. So, Trump created 6,673,000 jobs in just over 3 years – and he did it with good tax policy, not massive deficit spending like democrats. Then Covid hit and the number employed bottomed out in April 2020 at 130,421,000 employed. In 10 months (Apr 2020-Jan 2021), Trump brought back 12,495,000 jobs giving us 142,916,000 employed when Trump left office. In Jun 2022, Biden finally passed the Trump high with 152,348,000 jobs. Since people returning to work is not creating new jobs, we must compare Biden’s job numbers to the Feb 2020 high under Trump. As of June 2024, the number employed was 158,548,000. So Biden has only created 5,632,000 NEW jobs despite over $3 TRILLION in ‘stimulus’ since Biden became president. A lot of Biden’s ‘jobs’ are ‘stimulus’ financed jobs that will end when the funds run out.


Manufacturing jobs: A major source of prosperity in any country comes from manufacturing jobs – but adding manufacturing jobs has been slow under Biden despite TRILLIONS in stimulus and his attacks on business. Trump created 414,000 new manufacturing jobs from January 2017 (12,366,000) until covid hit in Feb 2020 (12,780,000) – some of these jobs coming back from China. The reason for Trump’s success was the 2017 business and personal tax cut that democrats keep bashing. Then the economy lost 1,361,000 manufacturing jobs until manufacturing bottomed out in April 2020 (11,419,000).Trump regained 769,000 manufacturing jobs from April 2020 to Jan 2021 – 10 months.(12,188,000) It took Biden 17 months – to May 2022 (12,787,000) – to surpass the Trump high from Feb 2020 – DESPITE spending $3.1 TRILLION in stimulus. As of Jun 2024, there are 12,945,000 manufacturing jobs. So compared to Trump’s high before covid hit, Biden has created only 165,000 manufacturing jobs. We need to be aware that a lot of these recent jobs are stimulus financed jobs which will end once the funds run.


Obama – with Casey’s full support – LOST 194,000 manufacturing jobs over his entire 8 years in office due to his anti-business legislation. was 1.4 percent when Donald Trump left office and inflation started after Biden became president due to massive overspending and attacking the oil industry causing a reduction in oil production. By Dec. 2021, inflation was 7% but the TRUE inflation rate is probably far higher. Nearly ALL of this inflation is on Biden and the democrats in Congress – NOT the invasion of Ukraine.


Massive Overspending by democrats: Are you better off financially now than four years ago? Very few can say ‘yes’ to that question. Biden entered office poised to oversee a record recovery and a return to the booming economy and all-round stability of pre-pandemic life. Biden didn’t have to do anything! But NOOOO. Biden and the democrats passed $1.9 TRILLION ‘stimulus’ in March 2021 (American Rescue Plan) and $550 BILLION in Nov. 2021 (Infrastructure bill). The private sector would have been able to finance many of these projects. Modernizing equipment is a part of doing business. In Aug 2022, Biden and democrats spent another $739 billion to ‘stop’ inflation (Inflation/reduction Act). All three of these bills were needlessly expensive and grossly inefficient with massive pork because the purpose was to throw money around and buy votes. The democrats have mortgaged the economic future of the next generation with massive deficit spending. As of 23 Sept., 2024, Biden, Harris, Casey and the irresponsible democrats have added $7.57 TRILLION to the national debt in under 4 years – now $35.33 TRILLION. It cost $879 billion to finance the debt in FY 2024. The cost in 2023 was $659 billion, and $475 in 2022. Democrats like to spend taxpayers money, but ignore the consequences.


Explaining Trump’s debt: Democrats ignore the effect that covid had on the economy and on the national debt. For instance, the US national debt soared during World War Two. Was that Roosevelt’s fault or Japan and Germany’s fault – the cost of fighting the war??The democrats, the covid virus and increased defense spending were responsible for the excessive increase in the debt under Trump – 7.8 trillion. From 20 Jan 2017 ($19.947 trillion) to 20 Mar 2020 ($23.51 trillion) the national debt increased by $3.563 trillion. This is for 39 of Trump’s 48 months in office. In April, 2020, significant federal borrowing began due to covid. If the amount of spending had continued at the same pace after Mar 20, 2020, which it probably would have, the national debt for Trump’s 4 years would have been $4.382 trillion. But then we must deduct about $200 billion that the democrats put into bills to reward their voter base and agree to re-open the government two times. So, Trump’s national debt increase should have been $4.2 trillion. The democrat’s pork spending and the cost of covid was about $3.6 trillion.


Obama debt: When Obama became president on Jan 20, 2009, the U.S. had a national debt of $10.627 trillion. When he left office 8 years later, we had a debt of $19.947 trillion, an increase of $9.32 trillion. (87.7%) Obama and Biden are both Keynesians. BAD

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