1) Mexican claims of land theft by the U.S. are False

Over the past two centuries, millions of immigrants came to America who were appreciative of America’s freedom and were very patriotic. In recent decades, a significant percentage of immigrants from spanish speaking countries, mostly Mexico, have entered our country and persued an anti-American agenda. (1) From the 1960s on, Mexicans in America have spewed lies about the history of the U.S. and Mexico and encouraged violence. This movement is largely responsible for brainwashing Mexicans and Americans alike into believing the U.S. stole the southwest US from Mexico – which they often call Aztlan. Let’s set the record straight.
This is historically Indian land. Mexico stole this land from the Native Americans and then lost this land to the U.S. when they started the Mexican American War in 1846.
With the rise of drug cartels and rampant crime in Mexico, fervor for uniting ‘Atzlan’ with Mexico has
subsided. The term ‘Aztlan’ is not widely used anymore. However, imperialist Mexicans have united with brainwashed Americans to take control of the Democratic Party to carry out their destructive hate-America agenda:
- Support for illegal immigration and Open borders.
- Support sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.
- End voter ID laws so democrats can engage in massive voter fraud. HR 1, which was pushed by Biden would have done just that. Republicans prevented this bill from passing.
- Requiring children be bilingual – Spanish and English. Spanish should be optional. English should be required and should be the official language of the U.S. All government documents should be in English only.
Mexico’s false land claims against the U.S. start with the Treaty of Tordesillas – signed in 1494!! Brokered by Spanish born Pope Alexander VI, the Catholic Church declared Spain had rights to claim all of the New World except for Brazil, which was colonized by Portugal. This treaty ignored all other countries and the rest of the world ignored this treaty. The mind set this 500 year old treaty produced is why many Mexicans believe they have the God ordained right to ignore the border between the U.S and Mexico and take political control of parts of the U.S.

In addition, Mexicans ignore all subsequent treaties. In 1819, Spain signed the Adams-Onis Treaty, which ceded Florida to the US and settled other bounday disputes. In May 1836, Santa Anna signed the Treaty of Velasco that made Texas an independent nation. In 1848, Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American War. The treaty transfered the Southwest to the U.S. Santa Anna’s desire to sell more land to the U.S. (Mexico was bankrupt) resulted in the Gadsden Purchase of June 1854.
For these reasons, the U.S. has legal ownership of all of the U.S. CASE CLOSED.
Since the 1960s, Mexicans have loudly declared themselves victims of U.S. aggression in the loss of Texas and later the southwest U.S. The FACTS prove that Mexico was responsible for starting both wars.
Texas Revolution and Mexican American War
States rebelling against the Mexican government was common. In 1823 – only 2 years after Mexico’s independence from Spain – five states in Central America declared themselves independent from Mexico. Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica established the United Provinces of Central America. The Union dissolved in 1838 and the five states became independent nations without any threats of war from Mexico.

Texas was just one of three states rebelling against Santa Anna in 1835 – but only the Texas rebellion was successful. Mexico vowed never ending war against Texas because they were defeated by Anglos instead of fellow Spanish. Mexican pride could not accept the fact that they lost to Texas. But this colossal stain on Mexican pride could be fixed if Mexico reconquered Texas. In Jan. 1846, General Mariano Paredes overthrew the government with one stated objective – start a war with the U.S. and conquer Texas.
In a letter dated Apr 18, 1846, Paredes wrote to General Arista “It is indispensable that hostilities begin, yourself taking the initiative.”(2) On April 25, 1846, 1,600 Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and ambushed a force of 80 American troops. Eleven men were killed and the rest taken prisoner.
The U.S. declared war on Mexico. After over a year of heavy fighting, on September 13, 1847, the U.S. Army entered Mexico City and Santa Anna fled the country. On Feb 2, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, ending the war. The treaty gave the U.S. the southwest U.S. Santa Anna’s desire to sell more land to the U.S. resulted in the Gadsden Purchase of June 1854.
Mexicans believe this treaty was unduly harsh on Mexico. So the issue today is this: Even if Mexico is to blame for starting both wars – which they were – did the US have the right to take almost half of Mexico’s territory? The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES!! Here’s why:
Mexico was determined to conquer Texas and was looking for an excuse to start this war because they were certain they could defeat the US. But Mexico lost every major battle. To have beaten Mexico as badly as we did, conquered most of their country including the capital city, and then told them they must accept Texas as part of the US, which it already was, and then retreated back to the U.S. would not have been fair to us. This would have been an unforgivable disgrace to the men who died and the rest who went through hell to attain victory – and we would be inviting another attack.
Now put yourself in Mexico’s shoes. Your army has been repeatedly defeated, nearly the entire country has been conquered, and the consequences are – nothing!! Just be nice and don’t threaten Texas again! In a machismo society like Mexico, would they sit back and say ‘OK’ or would Mexicans think we Americans are unbelievably gullible. Mexico would hold Americans in contempt for conquering their country and not making them pay a price for their warmongering. The reality is that once Mexico attacked the US, losing the land north of the Rio Grande became necessary to repay the US for the cost of the war and repay US citizens for monetary damages Mexico refused to pay. This was the consequences of attacking the U.S.
If the US could change history, what could we change so Mexico would love us today? If we only kept Texas and gave California and the rest of the states back to Mexico, would Mexico still hate us for keeping Texas? Absolutely yes. If we gave Texas to Mexico, would they love us? No, Mexico would want more and still be bashing America and sending drugs and illegal aliens into all parts of our country. Giving the southwest US to Mexico would gain us nothing.
Most Mexicans believe that if they had kept ownership of “Aztlan,” this area would be economically prosperous like it is now. This is wishful – even delusional thinking. These areas became prosperous because they belong to the U.S. Had these lands stayed under the control of Mexico, this part of Mexico would be as dysfunctional as the rest of Mexico. All that would change is that poverty, a disastrous economic system, bad health care, poor education, political turmoil and murderous drug cartels would be in a country twice as large as it is now. Even more illegal immigrants from Mexico would be coming into our considerably smaller country looking for jobs.(3)
In 1987, the US granted amnesty to 3 million illegals thinking this would solve the problem of illegal immigration. This amnesty only encouraged a whole new wave of illegals to flood the country – waiting for the next amnesty.
2) Mexicans spewing hate on ‘Anglos’ (5)

Augustin Cebada, Information Minister of the Brown Berets, para-military soldiers of Aztlan movement shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally at the Federal Building in Westwood, California on July 4, 1996:
“. . . We’re here in Westwood, this is the fourth time we’ve been here in the last two months, to show white Anglo-Saxon Protestant L.A., the few of you who remain, that we are the majority, and we claim this land as ours, it’s always been ours, and we’re still here, and none of this talk about deporting. If anyone’s going to be deported it’s going to be you!”
A woman with Cebada: “Go back to Simi Valley, you skunks! Go back to Woodland Hills! Go back to Boston! Go back to the Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you, leave like beaten rats.”
Cebada: “You old white people, it is your duty to die. Even their own ethicists say that they should die, that they have a duty to die. They’re taking up too much space, too much air. We are the majority in L.A. There’s over seven million Mexicans in L.A. County alone. We are the majority. And you’re going to see every day more and more of it, as we manifest as our young people grow up and graduate from high school, go on to college and start taking over this society. The vast majority of our people are under the age of 15 years old. Right now we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s through violence or nonviolence. . .’(6)
Manuel Longoria – Murder of Americans on Aztlan is justified.
On March 27, 2010, rancher Bob Krentz was murdered on his property in southeastern Arizona. Authorities believe Krentz was killed by an illegal border crosser but his murder has never been solved.
Manuel Longoria of Nuestros Reconquistos says he feels bad for Krentz’s murder (as well as the murder of his dog), but believes that part of the frustration is that Krentz was working on Aztlán, the area of the United States he claims was stolen from Mexico. “Murder is never the way to solve things. However, Americans put themselves at risk for occupying stolen land. It would be a lot safer if they didn’t.”(7)(8)

MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense Fund) is another hate group (9). MALDEF was co-founded in 1968 by Mario Obledo and Pedro Tijerina. Obledo wants White People to go back to Europe. Obledo made this statement at least twice, during an appearance on Ray Briem’s talk radio show in May or June of 1998, and again on the Tom Leykis talk radio show:
Obledo: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state.”
Caller: “You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they should leave. Did you say that?”
Obledo: “I did. They ought to go back to Europe.”(10)
Art Torres, former state senator and Chairman of the California Democratic Party from 1996 to 2009 spoke at UC Riverside in Jan. 1995:

“Que viva la causa! It is an honor to be with the new leadership of the Americas, here meeting at UC Riverside. So with 187 on the ballot, what is it going to take for our people to vote – to see us walking into the gas ovens? It is electoral power that is going to make the determination of where we go as a community. And power is not given to you — you have to take it. Remember: 187 is the last gasp of white America in California. Understand that. And people say to me on the Senate floor when I was in the Senate, ‘Why do you fight so hard for affirmative action programs?’ And I tell my white colleagues, ‘because you’re going to need them.’” (11)
Reies Tijerina (1926 – 2015) rose to prominence in the 1960s by claiming the U.S. had stolen land grants to Mexicans following the Mexican American War of 1848. Tijerina’s lifetime goal was to return the southwest U.S. to Mexico and drive all “Anglos” back to Europe. Tijerina’s autobiography – They Called Me “King Tiger” (12) – contains an astounding number of factual errors.

“I would limit myself to talking about the struggle for the land, the land that belonged to my people since the signing of the Treaty of Tordecillas on June 7, 1494.”(p 218)
“The Jews are fleeing to their land since 1947. And if the Anglo helps us, one day he’ll have to do the same, because we have roots here and the Anglo doesn’t.”(p 39)
“Soon, our brothers in Mexico will know that our dreams are their dreams. We are the bones and Mexico is the spirit. And this is the hour for the bones and the spirit to join. We are going to be the bridge to unite true Mexico with abandoned Mexico.”(p 212) Tijerina spoke at La Raza Unida Party’s first annual convention in 1972.
Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales (1928 – 2005), has been portrayed as a civil rights leader in the media and US history textbooks in public schools and colleges. Nothing could be further from the truth. An examination of Gonzales’s autobiography – Message to Aztlan (13) – proves he was an ethnic supremacist – a racist who promoted ethnic separation, domination and xenophobia. Gonzales also uses the Treaty of Tordesillas to declare legal title to the Southwest US.

“We are all heirs to the land. We, the mestizo, the Indian, and of Spanish birth, owners of the Southwest by precedent and by legal title.”(p 80)
“Nobody can destroy the spirit of our people. And they can kill individuals, they can shoot us down in the streets, and they have. They can throw us in their jails, but they cannot destroy an idea of a philosophy, and they can never destroy love, because we’re going to win. We’re going to beat them, whether it takes this generation, the next generation, or the next generation. We’re going to win. Viva La Raza! Viva La Raza Libre! Viva Aztlan Libre!”(p 89)
Armando Navarro, Professor of Ethnic Studies, Latino Summit Response to Prop 187, UC Riverside, 1/1995.
“It’s a game – it’s a game of power – who controls it. You (to MEChA students) are like the generals that command armies. We’re in a state of war. This Proposition 187 is a declaration of war against the Latino/Chicano community of this country. They know the demographics. They know that history and time is on our side. As one community, as one people, as one nation within a nation as the
community that we are, the Chicano/Latino community of this nation. What this means is a transfer of power. It means control.”(14)

In 1994, Californians voted on Proposition 187. This was a response to increasing illegal immigration, crime and costs to the taxpayers. The state was spending over $3 BILLION a year in aid to illegal aliens. Proposition 187 had this introduction: “The People of California find and declare as follows: That they have suffered and are suffering economic hardship caused by the presence of illegal immigrants in this state. That they have suffered and are suffering personal injury and damage caused by the criminal conduct of illegal immigrants in this state. That they have a right to the protection of their government from any person or persons entering this country unlawfully.” Proposition 187 passed by 59 to 41 percent but was eventually declared unconstitutional by liberal judges after being challenged in court by La Raza, the morally clueless Clinton administration and other anti-American hate groups.
In 1998, the US played Mexico in a championship soccer game in Los Angeles which Mexico won. Fans were overwhelmingly pro-Mexican. They booed the US team and booed during the playing of the US national anthem. As they [U.S.] players walked into the tunnel after the game, the U.S. players were pelted with debris and cups of what might have been water, beer or worse.
It was an ugly sight, but one Coach Steve Sampson and his players have come to expect in Los Angeles. (15).
There have been similar incidents since. (16)
Larry Elder, an L.A. radio talk show host read a letter from one of his listeners:
“Dear Larry, I spent ten years as a cruise hostess working at sea on cruise ships all over the world, so many of my assignments were to the Mexican Riviera, going back to the destination over and over again working friendships with many of the local people working along side of us in the Mexican tourist industry. Larry, the one phrase I heard a hundred times or more was, ‘When the revolution is over.’ When I asked for information, always the same answer, ‘When they have California back.’ Young or old, it seems they grew up being taught there would be a revolution some day. Somehow they would have California back.”(17)

David Sanchez is the Founder and self declared ‘Prime Minister’ of the Brown Berets. An objective examination of Sanchez’s autobiography – Expedition through Aztlan (11) – proves that he is another ethnic supremacist – a racist who promotes ethnic separation, domination and xenophobia. His book also contains a huge number of factual errors and lies. (19)

Minister’ David Sanchez.
“. . .El Paso is where the U.S. Immigration Headquarters had the largest traffic of detention and deportation of Mexican undocumented persons. We were demanding that the racist practices of the Immigration Department be ceased immediately. . . We were calling for an end to all secondary border inspections which caused double harassment, and were demanding that all immigration officers be disarmed.” (p150)
In August 1972, the Brown Berets occupied Catalina Island off the coast of California and claimed it for Mexico. Twenty six members of the Brown Berets scaled a mountain and posted a large Mexican flag. On Sep. 26, forty law enforcement personal surrounded the camp and gave the Brown Berets one hour to leave. The occupation was over.(p 179 – 189)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgGW4_MQWsU&t=7s
2. War with Mexico, vol1. (1919), Justin H. Smith p.155
3. http://americanaction.us/index.php/american-history/mexican-american-war/
4. http://www.americanpatrol.com/RALLIES/JULY42000/July4stills-1.html
5. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hispanic-leaders-speak-out/
6. Audio of Cebada: http://americanaction.us/public_documents/Cebada.mp3
7. The original link was removed. http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Perez%2c%20Miguel.%20%22Latino%20group%20claims%20Aztl%2587n%20war%20in%20next%20five%20years.%22%20Examiner%2c%20Aug.%2027%2c%202011.pdf
8. https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigrant-suspected-in-murder-of-arizona-rancher
9. http://americanaction.us/index.php/other-matters/evil-organizations/maldef/
10. Audio of Obledo: http://americanaction.us/public_documents/Obledo1.mp3
11. Audio of Torres: http://americanaction.us/public_documents/Torres.mp3
12. http://americanaction.us/index.php/other-matters/book-reviews/king-tiger-by-reies-tijerina/
13. http://americanaction.us/index.php/other-matters/people/vicious-americans/rodolfo-corky-gonzales/
14. Audio of Navarro: http://americanaction.us/public_documents/Navarro.mp3
15. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-feb-16-sp-19841-story.html
16. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/soccer/mexico-fans-hurl-objects-at-american-players-and-fans-as-us-wins-title-in-dominant-fashion/ar-BB1kvRxi
17. Audio of Larry Elder: http://americanaction.us/public_documents/Elder-Larry.mp3
18. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-10-29/proposition-187-california-pete-wilson-essay (Lori Shepler / L A Times)
19. http://americanaction.us/index.php/other-matters/people/vicious-americans/sanchez-david/
20. http://sandiegofreepress.org/2015/01/the-passing-of-chicano-warrior-reies-lopez-tijerina/
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